The above image is of one of the Directors of the Family Search Center, Janice Zabriskie demonstrating facial comparison software at the Center. The above clip gives excerpts from the press conference at the FamilySearch Center in Idaho Falls on Wednesday, June 22, 2022.
Jay Hildebrandt shows Heather Sampson how to use the Relatives Around Me app.

(IDAHO FALLS)–The family history library at 750 West Elva street in Idaho Falls recently became an official FamilySeach Center. Wednesday, a press conference and tour were given by Directors Janice and Thaddeus Zabriskie that gave members of the media a look at the new facility. There are rows of research computers as well as records preservation equipment that can convert old film, audio, VHS and more to digital files. There’s a recording room where you can tell your life story or bring a relative to tell theirs. A digital recording of the story will be sent to you after you’re done. There are also fun things to get kids involved like a green screen that puts your image in foreign environments. When asked if the resources were only for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Janice Zabriskie said the FamilySearch center is “mostly for the community.” There are seasoned research assistants to help if you’re trying to get started or if you get stuck and children are welcome to come with their parents. There is a family room and a lunchroom so people can maximize their time at the Center. Thaddeus said that volunteers at the FamilySearch Center are passionate about helping people “to record their histories and to make a connection with their families.” Their hours are Mon, Fri, and Sat 9-5 and Tue, Wed, Thurs 9-8. Tours will happen June 22-24, 10am-5pm on Thursday and Saturday and 1pm-5pm Friday.